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PBM 이벤트 본문
Pbm_bmgetcheck radio button or button is selected.
Pbm_bmgetstate button-whether increases.
Pbm_bmsetcheck wireless button or confirmation of the selected frame of selected state to state, and vice versa.
Pbm_bmsetstate plus-or-no button.
Pbm_bmchange change the button style, for example, to radio button or a combination box.
Or radio button alerts (prefix: pbm_bn)
Pbm_bnclicked the point of the control button.
Pbm_bndisable to button controls ineffective.
Pbm_bndoubleclicked button controls were double-point.
Pbm_bndragdrop an object was placed button controls.
Pbm_bndragenter an object being dragged button controls.
Pbm_bndragleave an object being towed away from the button controls.
Pbm_bndragover target towed by a button control.
Pbm_bnhilite-button controls were additionally.
Pbm_bnpaint button controls were drawn.
Pbm_bnsetfocus button controls were focused.
Pbm_bnunhilite button controls are not the highlights.
General information on the dialog box (prefix: pbm_cb)
Pbm_cbaddstring common dialog box will be added to the string.
Pbm_cbdeletestring from GM dialog delete a string.
Pbm_cbdir plus a directory to list common dialog box.
Pbm_cbfindstring search to a group of characters in the beginning of the string.
Pbm_cbfindstringexact search and provided by the characters perfectly matched string.
Pbm_cbgetcount list box for the items.
Pbm_cbgetcursel the current number of options were.
Pbm_cbgetdroppedcontrolset list box on the screen coordinates of the location.
Pbm_cbgeteditsel editor controls in the scope of characters to be elected.
Pbm_cbgetextendedui default or expanded user interface.
Pbm_cbgetitemdata re-painting of the list box 4-byte (32-bit).
Pbm_cbgetitemheight list box of a certain height.
Pbm_cbgetlbtext list box text.
Pbm_cbgetlbtextlen list box, the length of the text.
Pbm_cbinsertstring new to the list box or a string of 4 bytes.
Pbm_cblimittext restrictions can be entered into the list box the number of characters.
Pbm_cbresetcontent delete all the elements of the list box.
Pbm_cbselectstring search and display the string matching.
Pbm_cbsetcursel in the list box, select and display a.
Pbm_cbseteditsel editorial in the list box, select a regional version.
Pbm_cbsetextendedui default settings or in the expansion of the user interface.
Pbm_cbsetitemdata in the list box set 4-byte (32-bit).
Pbm_cbsetitemheight set list box of height.
Pbm_cbshowdropdown conversion (to show or hide) list box, drag-and-drop region.
GM dialog alerts (prefix: pbm_cbn)
Pbm_cbndblclk users in the list of a certain double points.
Pbm_cbndragdrop an object was placed on the common dialog box controls.
Pbm_cbndragenter an object being dragged on common dialog box controls.
Pbm_cbndragleave an object being towed away from the common dialog box controls.
Pbm_cbndragover an object towed by the General dialog box controls.
Pbm_cbndropdown the decentralization of the regional list box will be be displayed.
Pbm_cbneditchange editor of the text in the control change.
Editor pbm_cbneditupdate list box controls in the text about to be changed.
Pbm_cbnerrspace full list box, which can no longer join the item.
Pbm_cbnkillfocus GM lost focus list box.
Pbm_cbnselchange list box, the text was changed to be elected.
Pbm_cbnselendcancel users press the "cancel" button.
Pbm_cbnselendok users press the "confirm" button.
Pbm_cbnsetfocus GM has focused dialog.
Data Window news (prefix: pbm_dw)
Pbm_dwclosedropdown close the drop-down data window.
Pbm_dwscrollend volumes in the data window in his final roll.
Pbm_dwscrollhome volumes in the data window in the first roll trip.
Pbm_dwscrolllineend volumes to the current roll of the end-of-line (horizontal direction).
Pbm_dwscrolllinehome volumes to the current roll of the first line (horizontal direction).
Data Window alerts (prefix: pbm_dwn)
Pbm_dwnbacktabout be adopted Shift + Tab key combination to leave the controls.
Pbm_dwnchanging controls was about to change.
Pbm_dwndropdown drop-down part of the drop-down list box will be visible.
Pbm_dwngraphcreate will be to create graphics.
Pbm_dwnitemchangefocus data window controls in the focus of the current change.
Pbm_dwnitemvalidationerror on the current revision of legitimacy caused a check for errors.
Pbm_dwnkey a button is pressed. Use KeyDown () handling of the keyboard.
Pbm_dwnlbuttondown the left mouse button is pressed.
Pbm_dwnlbuttonup left mouse button was loose.
Pbm_dwnmbuttonclk middle mouse button click.
Pbm_dwnmbuttondbclk mouse button double-click.
Pbm_dwnmousemove mouse movement.
Pbm_dwnprintmarginchange print borders being changed.
Pbm_dwnprocessenter Enter key is pressed.
Pbm_dwnrowchange data from the window of his focus to another trip.
Pbm_dwntabdownout users in the data window on the last line under the arrow keys.
Pbm_dwntabout users in the data window last line / column by the tab key.
Pbm_dwntabupout users in the data window on the first line on the arrow keys.
Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) - (prefix: pbm_dde)
Pbm_ddeddeack received a DDE news.
DDE pbm_ddeddeinitiate start a conversation.
DDE pbm_ddeddeterminate termination of a session.
News editor Control (prefix: pbm_em)
Pbm_emcanundo editor controls whether the withdrawal of the last revision.
Pbm_ememptyundobuffer empty by the cancellation of Windows operating management of the buffer zone.
Pbm_emfmtlines in multi-line editor to control the tail for the addition or deletion of round trip.
Pbm_emgetfirstvisibleline returned to the editor control that the first line of the line.
Pbm_emgethandle controls access to the editor in memory handle.
Pbm_emgetline editor from his party to control copying of a buffer in memory.
Pbm_emgetlinecount return to multi-line editor control the number of rows.
Pbm_emgetmodify text is modified by the user.
Pbm_emgetrect returned to the control of the rectangular field.
Pbm_emgetsel text to be elected to return to the starting position.
Pbm_emlimittext restrict users type text length.
Pbm_emlinefromchar text to be elected to return to the line.
Pbm_emlineindex returned to the Editor controls will be elected in a string of characters in the editor's position.
Pbm_emlinelength returned to the editor to be elected in control of the number of characters.
Pbm_emlinescroll horizontal or vertical roller editor Volume Control.
Pbm_emreplacesel from the clipboard or from the keyboard replaced with a new text to be elected text.
Pbm_emsethandle Settings Editor handle at the controls of a buffer in memory.
Pbm_emsetmodify Settings Editor Control modified logo.
Pbm_emsetpasswordchar set up user input text, indicate any of the characters in the password input display.
Pbm_emsetrect set / reset control of the editor of the rectangular area, the editor of the text in the control was re-painted.
Pbm_emsetrectnp addition to re-painting text, and setrect roughly the same.
Pbm_emsetsel select the character.
Pbm_emsettabstops in multi-line editor controls set tabstops.
Pbm_emsetwordbreak set up a new word split function.
Pbm_emsetwordbreakproc set up a new word resolution process.
Pbm_emundo recent withdrawal of the editorial operation.
Edit Control informed the news (prefix: pbm_en)
Pbm_enchange editor of the text in the control change.
Pbm_enerrspace editor controls memory buffer overflow.
Pbm_enhscroll user point of the roller on the level of volumes.
Pbm_enmaxtext allow users to input more than the text.
Pbm_enupdate editor of the user's control will be modified.
Pbm_envscroll user point of a vertical roller Vol.
List box information (prefix: pbm_lb)
Pbm_lbaddstring list box control to add one or a string.
Pbm_lbdeletestring deleted from the list box, one or a string.
Pbm_lbdir directory list box filled List.
Pbm_lbfindstring in the list box to the search string with the first part of the match.
Pbm_lbfindstringexact in the list box with the search string exact match to the first.
Pbm_lbgetcaretindex box in the list of search has focused.
Pbm_lbgetcount identified several items list box.
Pbm_lbgetcursel determined by the number of options is the first.
Pbm_lbgethorizontalextent list box was the width of the level of Roller Vol.
Pbm_lbgetitemheight identified in the list box control of the height.
Pbm_lbgetitemrect determine the size of the list box.
Pbm_lbgetsel was selected current list box items.
Pbm_lbgetselcount in multiple-choice list box was by the number of options.
Pbm_lbgetselitems table with the list box items, each box filled with a given integer array.
Pbm_lbgettext obtain current option list box text.
Pbm_lbgettextlen access list box current options in the text of the number of characters.
Pbm_lbgettopindex determine list box of the most visible above one of the items.
Pbm_lbinsertstring to the list box to add a new string.
Pbm_lbresetcontent reset (eliminate) the contents of the list box.
Pbm_lbselectstring search-and increases with the characters to match the string.
Pbm_lbselitemrange choice / cancellation of a list box items in the scope.
Pbm_lbsetcaretindex set up a list box with a certain focus.
Pbm_lbsetcolumnwidth set out the width of the list box.
Pbm_lbsetcursel in the list box, select plus-one, if necessary, the list box roll Vol.
Pbm_lbsethorizontaltext set by horizontal scrolling list box roller several modules.
Pbm_lbsetitemdata settings associated with the list box 32 / 4-byte value.
Pbm_lbsetitemheight set list box of height.
Pbm_lbsetsel in the list box, select a string.
Pbm_lbsettabstops set up in the list box control tabstops position.
Volume roller pbm_lbsettopindex list box to a specific item above one of the most visible.
List box alerts (prefix: pbm_en)
Pbm_endblclk users in the list box control in a certain double-click on.
Pbm_enerrspace user tries to go beyond the list box can be the greatest character limit.
Pbm_enselcancel current text selection was cancelled.
Pbm_enselchange users in the list box, select one or cancelled.
Window news (prefix: pbm_)
Pbm_activateapp window is activated by another application.
Pbm_askcbformatname request of the contents of the clipboard to copy a format to use the definition in the text of the buffer zone.
Pbm_char send button pressed on the keyboard.
Pbm_chartoitem conversion of keyboard characters, which help position the list box items.
Pbm_childactivate a sub-window was moved or activation.
Pbm_clear users to delete the current editor of the contents of control.
Pbm_command users to choose a menu item, the controls, or use of the accelerated keys.
Inadequate resources pbm_compacting system memory when Windows occupy more than 1 / 8 of CPU time, memory constraints, have this news.
Pbm_compareitem when the new one was added to the list box or a combination of frames of this news Window with this news item carried out between the comparison.
Pbm_ctlcolor controls will soon be a draw, at this time to change the color controls.
Pbm_deadchar users opted for a non-English character sets or other special character sets, which will change the following characters to be input.
Pbm_deleteitem from the list in the dialog box or the removal of a general.
Pbm_destroyclipboard clipboard content has been removed.
Pbm_devmodechanged WIN.INI in a device name be changed.
Pbm_drawclipboard clipboard contents change.
Pbm_drawitem List dialog box or a generic content has been changed.
Pbm_dropfiles when the left mouse button to register as a drop in the document receiver on the release of the application, the issue of the news.
Pbm_erasebkgnd window area customers need to re-painted.
Pbm_fontchange application to change the number of available fonts.
Pbm_getdlgcode alerts that the current use of the type of keyboard.
Pbm_getfont access to the activation of fonts.
Pbm_getminmaxinto Windows are checking to maximize or minimize the size of window.
Pbm_gettext from a control (such as buttons or controls editor) Copy text to a memory buffer.
Pbm_gettextlength used to determine control of a number of characters.
Pbm_hscrollclipboard clipboard level of the use of roller Vol.
Pbm_iconerasebkgnd need a minimum weight of the window background.
Pbm_initdialog a dialog box will soon be displayed.
Pbm_initmenu a menu soon be displayed.
Pbm_initmenupopup a pop-up window will soon be displayed.
Pbm_keydown a key on the keyboard is pressed.
Pbm_keyup a key on the keyboard was released.
Pbm_mdiactive a window of MDI (form) is activated.
Pbm_mdicascade to overlap in the form of rearrangement of all forms.
Pbm_mdicreate create a form.
Pbm_mdidestroy removed from the framework of an MDI form.
Pbm_mdigetactive for current activities of the MDI form a handle.
Pbm_mdiiconrange MDI in a framework of the rearrangement of the smallest form icon.
Pbm_mdimaximize maximize the form of an MDI.
Pbm_mdinext MDI activation of a form (Form activities immediately form).
Pbm_mdirestore the MDI restored to its original form size.
Pbm_mdisetmenu will be a menu with a link MDI form.
Pbm_mdifitle tiled all MDI form.
Pbm_measureitem this information was given about the creation, there are buttons or other controls the window.
Pbm_menuchar users a shortcut, but the system did not support the Shortcuts.
Pbm_menuselect users select a menu item.
Pbm_mouseactivate users in a non-active window click the mouse.
Pbm_mousemove mobile users a mouse.
Pbm_ncactivate window non-client area will soon be activated.
Pbm_nccalcsize window sizes need to re-calculated.
Pbm_nccreate window will be the creation of its non-client area.
Pbm_ncdestroy window Analysis of non-shared zone configuration.
Pbm_nchittest each district were non-mobile customers are sent when the news.
Pbm_nclbuttondblclk users in the two-point non-client area of the left mouse button.
Pbm_ncpaint draw non-customer needs.
Pbm_nextdlgctl In the dialog box controls will be transferred to a different focus.
Pbm_paint window area customers need to be drawn.
Application of a clip pbm_paintclipboard clipboard operations, clipboard viewer to re-painted.
Pbm_palettechanged system palette being changed.
Pbm_paletteischanging Palette system was about to change.
Pbm_parentnotify notification window of a window father was about to create.
Pbm_querydragicon users to drag one of the smallest window.
Pbm_queryendsession informed sources, the window will soon be closed.
Pbm_querynewpalette applications will be received input focus should be to implement the necessary color adjustments.
Pbm_queryopen one of the smallest window was about to resume.
Pbm_quit the final application processing a message.
Pbm_renderallformats notify the owner of a clipboard format, the application will lose all of the formatting.
Pbm_renderformats informed sources that the data on the clipboard should send a special format.
Pbm_setcursor informed sources, the mouse pointer movement in one window.
Pbm_setfont to change the font in the dialog box.
Pbm_setredraw in Canada before a new item sent to the list box or universal dialog box.
Pbm_settext used to change the title or text window.
Pbm_sizeclipboard Clipboard Viewer application to change size.
Print Manager pbm_spoolerstatus a mandate be added or deleted.
Pbm_syschar <ALT> a key and other keys are pressed at the same time.
Pbm_syscolorchange one or more color system was changed.
Pbm_syscommand users to choose a system menu commands.
Pbm_sysdeadchar informed sources that a non-English character set has been selected.
Pbm_syskeydown users press a button at the same time the press <ALT "button.
Pbm_syskeyup users released <ALT> key combinations.
Pbm_timechange system clock been modified.
Pbm_undo copy text from the undo buffer control to the editor.
Pbm_vkeytoitem when a list box with focus, the user pressed a button.
Pbm_vscroll users click of a vertical roller Vol.
Pbm_vscrollclipboard clipboard viewer of the vertical roll hits Vol.
Pbm_windowposchanged window change.
Pbm_windowposchanging window to be changed.
Pbm_wininichange WIN.INI file is modified.
[출처] [PB Base] PBM Event (파워빌더 모임) |작성자 또치
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